Cryptographic Software
Cryptographic software for network security consists of secure network applications and implementations of
TCP/IP network standards proposed by IETF are available for secure data communication on these two levels of the protocol stack, as well as for many secure network applications (Active IETF Working Groups, 2001). Many cryptographic software applications use standardized X.509 certificates of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) on the Internet (IETF Public-Key Infrastructure Working Group, 2002). PKI client software like ID2 Personal (2001) is a necessary component of such applications. Protection of sensitive cryptographic data and operations is usually implemented as smartcard applications (Rankl, 2000).
Software for Secure Network Level Data Communication
Most software implementations of secure network level data communication in TCP/IP networks are based on the Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) protocol suite developed by IETF IP Security Protocol Working Group (2002). A detailed tutorial on IPSec is found in Doraswamy and Harkin (1999).
The IPSec protocol suite adds security to TCP/IP communication by introducing a new layer in the TCP/IP protocol stack below the IP layer. IPSec adds authentication and optionally encryption to all transmitted data packets. Authentication ensures that packets are from the right sender and have not been altered. Encryption prevents unauthorized reading of packet contents. Two computers connected to the same TCP/IP network can implement end-to-end security through the network if IPSec software with encryption is installed and properly configured in both computers. When normal IP packets reach the IPSec node they are no longer routed through the network. They are instead used as optionally encrypted payloads of new IP packets (IPSec packets). The IPSec packets are then routed through the IP network, such as the Internet, until they reach an IPSec node, where the packet payloads are — for encrypted payloads first decrypted and then — unpacked to traditional IP packets.
Key management and security associations, the IPSec parameters between two IPSec nodes, are negotiated with the Internet Key Exchange (IKE). IKE is based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. IKE creates an authenticated, secure tunnel between two IPSec nodes and then negotiates the security association for IPSec. This process requires that the two entities authenticate themselves to each other and establish shared keys.
IPSec defines a new set of headers to be added to usual IP packets in order to create IPSec packets. These new headers are placed after the IP header and before the Layer 4 protocol (typically Transmission Control Protocol [TCP] or User Datagram Protocol [UDP]) header. These new headers provide information for securing the payload of the IP packet as follows:
Authentication Header (AH)
This header, when added to an IP datagram, ensures the integrity and authenticity of the data, including the invariant fields in the outer IP header. It does not provide confidentiality protection. AH uses a keyed hash function rather than digital signatures, because digital signature technology is too slow and would greatly reduce network throughput.
Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
This header, when added to an IP packet, protects the confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of the data. If ESP is used to validate data integrity, it does not include the invariant fields in the IP header.
IPSec provides two modes of operation — transport and tunnel modes. In transport mode original IP headers are used, but in tunnel mode new IP headers are created and used to represent the IP tunnel endpoint addresses. IPSec tunnel mode is thus an example of IP tunneling in TCP/IP networks.
The core elements of IPSec are shown in Figure 2. ISAKMP is the name of the standardized negotiation protocol used by Internet Key Exchange (IKE). Security Association Databases (SAD) and Security Policy Database (SPD) are databases needed by IPSec and IKE.
IPSec is also integrated with Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional to provide a platform for safeguarding TCP/IP data communication (see Microsoft TechNet, 2002).
The introduction of DNSSEC may however change the status of IPSec in the future.
A widely used IPSec application is Virtual Private Network (VPN) software for providing secure LAN functionality for geographically distributed LAN segments and computers interconnected by a public TCP/IP network, like Internet. VPN software thus implements IPSec tunnel mode. VPN software developers have founded an international trade consortium, VPNC. The primary purposes of VPNC are (VPN Consortium, 2002):
Promote the products of its members to the press and to potential customers
Increase interoperability between members by showing where the products interoperate
Serve as a forum for the VPN manufacturers and service providers throughout the world
Help the press and potential customers to understand VPN technologies and standards
Provide publicity and support for interoperability testing events
The two fundamental VPN types are:
Access VPN: A secure connection to a LAN through a public TCP/IP Network
Connection VPN: A secure remote connection between two segments of the same logical LAN through a public TCP/IP network
An Access VPN example is a notebook PC with installed VPN Client software securely connected to a Home LAN over Internet (see Figure 3). The router connecting the Home LAN to Internet implements the transformation between incoming/outgoing IPSec packets on the Internet connection and traditional IP packets in the Home LAN with installed and properly configured VPN server software.
A connection VPN is, for example, when two segments A and B of the same logical LAN are connected with routers to the Internet (see Figure 4). Both routers implement the transformation between incoming/outgoing IPSec packets on the Internet connection and traditional IP packets in the LAN segment with installed and properly configured VPN software.
There are some free VPN programs available (see Linux FreeS/WAN, 2002). VPNlabs is an open community for researching, reviewing, and discussing Virtual Private Networks (see VPNlabs, 2001). There are also many commercial VPN applications available. Information about commercial VPN solutions can be found on the web portal of VPNC (see VPN Consortium, 2002).
Software for Secure Transport Level Data Communication
Many applications in TCP/IP networks are based on the Transport Layer Security (TLS) standard proposed by (IETF Transport Layer Security [TLS] Working Group, 2002). TLS is based on version 3.0 of the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. Version 1.0 of SSL was introduced in 1994 by Netscape Communications for secure data communication based on the HTTP protocol.
The TLS/SSL protocol is based on an established client-server TCP connection between two communicating computers and uses the socket interface for data communication. After the establishment of a TCP connection both computers execute the SSL Handshake Protocol in order to agree on the cryptographic algorithms and keys to be used in the actual data communication (Stallings, 2000, p. 214). In this context, X.509 certificates may be used for server and/or client authentication. For the actual data communication the SSL Record Protocol is used. Sending side protocol steps are shown in Figure 5.
Application data is divided in data fragments, which are first optionally compressed. A message authentication code (MAC) is computed for each compressed data fragment. The compressed fragment | MAC-packet is encrypted and appended with a SSL record header. Finally the SSL record header and the encrypted packet are delivered to the socket interface of the established TCP connection. On the receiving side, SSL record headers are stripped of the data received from the socket interface. Received data packets are decrypted, the integrity of decrypted data is MAC-checked, checked data is decompressed if necessary, and finally data fragments are re-assembled to application data.
Secure TLS/SSL versions of HTTP and also of other application level TCP/IP protocols have been implemented and made available to the Internet community (see Table 2).
Table 2: Secure application level protocols running on the top of TLS/SSL (Oppiger, 2000, p. 135) Secure protocol | Port | Description |
HTTPS | 443 | TLS/SSL protected HTTP |
POP3S | 995 | TLS/SSL protected POP3 |
IMAPS | 993 | TLS/SSL protected IMAP4 |
SMTPS | 465 | TLS/SSL protected SMTP |
NNTPS | 563 | TLS/SSL protected NNTP |
LDAPS | 636 | TLS/SSL protected LDAP |
Reading mail from a remote mailbox using POP3S or IMAPS protects mailbox passwords and the contents of fetched email messages against attacks based on eavesdropping on network traffic.
Web Security
There are two basic web security services that need to be considered, access level security and transaction level security (Zouridaki, Abdullah, & Qureshi, 2000). Access security is provided with solutions using firewalls that guard the network against intrusion and unauthorized use. Transaction security requires protocols that secure sensitive, private information between a client and a server using a TCP/IP connection. To ensure that sensitive information is safe while passing between a Web browser and a Web server through an Internet link, there are three Internet protocols (Karve, 1997):
HTTPS, the SSL Secured HTTP Protocol
S-HTTP, Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol
PCT, Private Communication Technology
S-HTTP is an extension to the HTTP protocol to support sending data securely over the World Wide Web. S-HTTP was developed in 1994 by Enterprise Integration Technologies as an implementation of the RSA encryption standard (see Webopedia, 2002). The protocol implements a flexible choice of key management mechanisms, security policies and cryptographic algorithms by supporting option negotiation between parties for each transaction (Graham, 1995). S-HTTP allows the client and server to negotiate the strength and type of cryptographic option, supports PKI, Kerberos and pre-arranged keys. S-HTTP does not require that the client possesses a public key certificate, which means that secure transactions can take place at any time without individuals needing to provide a key as in session encryption with SSL (Karve, 1997). S-HTTP supports secure end-to-end transactions by adding cryptography to messages at the application layer. S-HTTP is thus tied to the HTTP protocol. S-HTTP encrypts each message on an individual basis.
Microsoft introduced the Private Communication Technology (PCT) protocol in its first release of Internet Explorer in 1996.
HTTPS is a protocol using HTTP on top of SSL. Although HTTPS was originally introduced by Netscape for secure HTTP communication to and from the Netscape Navigator browser, it is now a globally accepted de-facto standard for secure Web communication and supported by practically all web browsers. The use of the protocols S-HTTP and PCT is today insignificant.
When using the Netscape Navigator browser, a user can tell that the session is encrypted by the key icon in the lower-left corner of the screen. When a session is encrypted, the key, which is usually broken, becomes whole, and the key's background becomes dark blue. In Internet Explorer there appears a lock in the lower-right corner of the screen signaling that the connection is encrypted. When browsing to a secure web page, the identities of the server and of the organization that issued the server certificate can be inspected:
In Netscape Navigator, click once on the locked lock icon
In Microsoft Internet Explorer, double-click on the locked lock icon
Then, by inspecting the shown certificate, the trustworthiness of the server can be determined. Browser information can be found in Netscape (2002), Microsoft (2002) and Opera (2002).
The URL in the browser also shows if a web page is secured. When a secure link has been opened, the first part of the URL at the top of the browser will change from http:// to https://.
HTTPS communication must, of course, be supported by the web server. HTTPS communication normally uses port 80, but HTTPS communication uses port number 443 by default. Server level support for SSL and HTTPS is included in most web servers (see Apache Software Foundation, 2002; Microsoft Internet Information Services, 2002).
Email Security
Email traffic to and from email servers can be secured by the SMTPS protocol, the SSL protected version of the SMTP protocol. Sessions with email client programs can be secured:
However, full email security requires email client program extensions for signing and/or encrypting outgoing email messages as well as for decrypting and/or signature checking incoming email messages.
The most widely used email client program security extensions are Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (S/MIME) (see Stallings, 2000, Chap. 5). Neither PGP nor S/MIME are based on the TLS/SSL protocol, but S/MIME uses - like TLS - X.509 certificates and the PKI on the Internet for authentication purposes.
Internet Mail Consortium (IMC) is an international organization focused on cooperatively managing and promoting the rapidly expanding world of electronic mail on the Internet. The goals of the IMC include greatly expanding the role of mail on the Internet into areas such as commerce and entertainment, advancing new Internet mail technologies, and making it easier for all Internet users, particularly novices, to get the most out of this growing communications medium (see Internet Mail Consortium, 2002).
PGP is a public key encryption program originally written by Phil Zimmermann in 1991. PGP is actually a hybrid cryptosystem, combining some of the best features of both conventional and public key cryptography. PGP uses compression of data, conventional encryption/decryption with temporary session key, public key encryption/decryption and digital signing. The combination of the two cryptographic methods combines the convenience of public key cryptography with the speed of conventional cryptography. The keys, measured in bits, in public cryptography are stored in encrypted form in two key ring files. The public keys (and PGP certificates) of your recipients are added to your public key ring and your own private keys are stored, encrypted using a pass phrase, on your private key ring.
Public key digital signatures enable checking of information authenticity and integrity. They also provide non-repudiation, proof of sender. These features are fundamental features in secure communication. To keep data volumes in reasonable size, i.e., keeping the system fast, PGP uses one-way hash functions in the creation of digital signatures. The hash function produces a fixed-length output and ensures that, if the information is changed in any way — even by just one bit — an entirely different output value is produced.
An important issue within public cryptographic systems is ensuring that the correct person's keys are used. It is possible to post a key with false name and user ID. It is important that the public key to which you are encrypting data is in fact the public key of the intended recipient and not a fake. In practice you can only trust those keys which physically have been handed to you. Digital PGP certificates are used to establish trust public keys. A digital PGP certificate consists of:
a public key,
information about the owner, such as name, user ID, and
one or more digital signatures.
PGP Certificates are utilized when it's necessary to exchange public keys with someone else. For small groups of people who wish to communicate securely, it is easy to manually exchange diskettes or emails containing each owner's public key. This is manual public key distribution, and it is practical only to a certain point. Beyond that, it is necessary to put systems into place that can provide the necessary security, storage, and exchange mechanisms so coworkers, business partners, or strangers could communicate if needed. These can come in the form of storage-only repositories called Certificate Servers, or in more structured systems that provide additional key management features. These are called Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs) (see Network Associates, Inc., 1999).
The digital signatures on a PGP certificate are to state that the PGP certificate information has been attested to the authenticity of the certificate as a whole; it vouches only that the signed identity information is bound to the public key. The digital signature proves that the certificate information is valid. The public key of the sender is needed to check the signature.
Validity of a signature in a signed email can also be proved if sufficient trust can be derived from the signatures in the PGP certificate of the sender. There must be at least one completely trusted signature or at least two partly trusted signatures. Every PGP user collects PGP certificates in their own public key ring.
A PGP user can add own signature to any PGP certificate in own public key ring.
A PGP user can also attach a trust level to any PGP certificate in own public key ring:
Unknown trust in the signature of the certificate owner,
No trust in the signature of the certificate owner,
Marginal trust in the signature of the certificate owner (partly trusted signature), and
Complete trust in the signature of the certificate owner.
PGP stores the attached trust value in the signature made by the PGP user on the trusted PGP certificate. A PGP user always has complete trust in own signature.
Trust propagation means that a PGP user will accept the trust levels which by him/her completely trusted certificate owners attach to other PGP certificates.
The PGP trust network in the public key ring of every PGP user (Stallings, 2000, Figure 5.7, p. 134) remains updated only if:
An updated PGP certificate (a new signature has been added or the trust level value in a signature has been changed) is always immediately sent to the certificate owner, who then also immediately updates own PGP certificate, not only in own public key ring, but also where it is published — on own web homepage, on key servers, etc.
Own PGP certificate is attached by the sender to a signed email message or the email contains information about how to obtain the updated PGP certificate of the sender
A trust propagation example for PGP v6.5 in Linux is described. The following symbols are used in
Peik, Goran, Krister and Kaj are PGP users.
Peik sends a signed message with own PGP certificate peik.asc as a file attachment to Goran
Goran adds PGP certificate of Peik to own public key ring. → pgp -ka peik.asc
Goran checks signature of signed message from Peik: invalid signature from peik
Goran adds own signature to PGP certificate of Peik. → pgp -ks peik
Goran checks again signature of signed message from Peik: good signature from peik
Goran extracts PGP certificate of Peik to the file peik_updated.asc. → pgp -kxa peik peik_updated.asc
Goran emails the file peik_updated.asc to Peik
Peik updates own PGP certificate in own public key ring. → pgp -ka peik_updated.asc
Goran attaches complete trust in Peik as a signer. → pgp -ke peik
"Would you trust 'Peik Åström' " to act as an introducer and certify other people's public keys to you?
(1 = I don't know (default); 2 = No; 3 = Usually; 4 = Yes, always) ? 4
Kaj has earlier attached complete trust in Goran as a signer.
Peik signs the PGP certificate of Krister, sends it to Krister, who updates his own PGP certificate in his public key ring
Krister extracts his PGP certificate from his public key ring into the file krister.asc, and sends the file as an attachment to a signed message to Kaj
Kaj first updates his public key ring with the file krister.asc
Kaj checks how PGP certificate of Krister is signed. → pgp -kc krister
Kaj notices that the PGP certificate of Krister is signed by a, for him, unknown "number ID" user (= Peik)
Kaj asks Krister to send the PGP certificate of the "number ID" PGP user
Kaj gets the missing PGP certificate of Peik and updates his public key ring
Kaj checks the signature of the message from Krister: good signature from krister, because PGP certificate of Krister is signed by Peik, and PGP certificate of Peik is signed and completely trusted by Goran, who is completely trusted by Kaj
PGP has some legal issues that users should be aware of, but those have not stopped PGP from becoming a de-facto standard for secure email on the Internet. These problems have caused PGP to be divided into four distinct versions (see University of London, 2002):
The original, monolithic work, not explicitly integrated into Internet mail (PGP 2)
A standard, which integrates PGP Classic into Internet mail, using MIME (PGP/MIME)
Versions using non-RSA algorithms (PGP 5.0/6.0/7.0)
IETF standards for an open PGP specification, fully integrated with MIME (OpenPGP)
There is an active IETF OpenPGP Working Group (openpgp) that provides IETF algorithm standards and formats of PGP processed objects (see IETF OpenPGP Working Group, 2002). The current work on PGP/MIME is being done in the IMC (see Internet Mail Consortium, 2002).
PGP Freeware for non-commercial use is available for many different platforms, including Windows, UNIX, MS-DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, Amiga and Atari (see The International PGP Home Page, 2002). PGP for commercial use can be found at OpenPGP Alliance (2002).
PGP, version 7.0, works with a number of different email applications using specific email plug-ins. Plug-ins are available for a number of supported email applications in Windows:
S/MIME is a secure email standard based on the unsecured email standard MIME, which is based on technology from RSA Data Security (RSA Security Inc.). S/MIME accomplishes privacy and authentication by using encryption and digital signatures. S/MIME combines traditional symmetric ciphers, public key cryptography, hashing, and public key certificates. The reason why these various methods are combined within S/MIME is efficiency. By using the strength of each method in the appropriate place, the result is a reasonably secure scheme that still runs quickly in practical use (Connell, 2001).
S/MIME is designed to work within a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), which secures communication between two or more parties. The S/MIME standard has been developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and is based on the PKCS #7 (Public Key Cryptography System #7) standard for messages, and the X.509v3 standard for certificates (see Secure Solution Experts, 2002). Corresponding work is done in IETF S/MIME Working Group (2002).
S/MIME provides the following functions, described in Stalling (1998, Chap. 5):
Enveloped Data
Such data consists of encrypted content of any type and encrypted content encryption keys for one or more recipients.
Signed Data
A digital signature is formed by taking the message digest (hash) of the content to be signed and then encrypting that with the private key of the signer. The content plus signature are then encoded using base64 encoding. A signed data message can only be viewed by a recipient with S/MIME capability.
Clear-Signed Data
As with signed data, a digital signature of the content is formed. However, in this case, only the digital signature is encoded using base64. As a result, recipients without S/MIME capability can view the message content, although they cannot verify the signature.
Signed and Enveloped Data
Signed-only and encrypted-only entities may be nested. Encrypted data may be signed, and signed data or clear-signed data may be encrypted.
In S/MIME v3 — presently the latest version of S/MIME — it is still a recommendation, but no longer a precondition, for an email user to own a X.509 security certificate, in which his/her email address is included, in order to obtain all security services from a S/MIME email client extension (IETF S/MIME Working Group, 2002).
Many of the latest commercial email programs have built in S/MIME support that allows users to use the security features of S/MIME (IETF S/MIME Working Group, 2002). Microsoft Outlook and Netscape Messenger are examples of email client programs with S/MIME support. To add S/MIME support to early versions of these email client programs third-party utilities are used (see Slipstick Systems, 2002).
Microsoft Outlook 2000 Service Release 1 (SR-1) and Outlook 2002 support S/ MIME v3. TrustedMIME is an email client program plug-in with S/MIME v3 support. TrustedMIME provides support for both Microsoft (Outlook, Exchange, and Messaging) and Lotus Notes platforms. TrustedMIME is compatible with smartcards and tokens from Setec, Rainbow, Aladdin, Gemplus, Siemens, De La Rue, Oberthur, Schlumberger, and Bull, and it has support for PKCS #15, the Swedish SEIS standard, and FINEID smartcard profiles. For further information, see Secure Solutions Experts (2002).
Although PGP and S/MIME offer similar services to users, the two secure email client program extensions have very different certificate formats and can therefore not interoperate. There are many differences between X.509 certificates in S/MIME and PGP certificates. Users can create own PGP certificates, but in S/MIME users must request and be issued X.509 certificates from a Certification Authority. X.509 certificates natively support only a single name for the key's owner, PGP certificates supports multiple names. X.509 certificates support only a single digital signature for creating trust in a public key. PGP supports multiple signature validation (see Network Associates, 1999).
Secure E-commerce (SET, SEMPER, etc.)
Secure Electronic Transaction (SET), originally introduced by MasterCard and Visa, is an open encryption and security specification designed to protect credit card transactions on the Internet (Nachenberg, 1997). SET provides three services:
a secure communication channel among all parties involved in a transaction,
trust by the use of X.509v3 digital certificates, and
ensures privacy because the information is only available to parties in a transaction when and where necessary.
A core transaction in SET is a purchase transaction, which consists of order information (OI) encrypted by the public key of the merchant (KPubM), and payment information (PI) encrypted by the public key of the credit card issuer (KPubB). A credit card issuer will shortly be called a bank. All encrypted information is signed (a dual signature) with the private key of the cardholder (KPrivC). The purpose of the dual signature is to create a unique, unambiguous, and irreproducible association between specific order information and specific payment information. All encrypted information with the dual signature and a certificate for the public key of the cardholder (X.509C) is sent to the merchant, who can verify the dual signature, check the cardholder certificate, and decrypt the order information. The merchant, who can't decrypt the payment information, passes the encrypted PI, a hash of OI, the dual signature, and the cardholder certificate to the bank through a payment gateway. Also, the bank can verify the dual signature, check the cardholder certificate and further decrypt the payment information. However, the bank can't find out OI from the received hash, which is needed for verifying the dual signature. After verification of the payment information the bank informs the merchant about the payment authorization.
Some transaction details have been streamlined on purpose in order to show more clearly how security and privacy are ensured in one and the same transaction. An exact but still compact description of SET is found in Stallings (2000, Chap. 7.3). A detailed description is found in Macgreogor, Ezwan, Ligouri, and Han (1997). The official web site of SET is (2001).
The SET protocol can only be used to secure payment transactions with credit cards in TCP/IP networks. Other steps in electronic commerce (orders, confirmations, deliveries, etc.) are not supported. A project for standardization of the security architecture of value chains in electronic commerce is the SEMPER (Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe) project of the European Union (Lacoste, Pfitzmann, Steiner, & Waidner, 1999; SEMPER Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe, 2001). An overview of electronic payment systems is published in Oppliger (2001).
Secure Shell (SSH)
The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is an application level protocol introduced for secure remote login in TCP/IP networks (Ylönen, 1996). Presently SSH is an established de-facto Internet security standard, which is being further developed by a dedicated Internet Engineering Task Force Security Area Working Group (IETF Secure Shell Working Group, 2002). The Working Group attempts to assure that the SSH protocol:
provides strong security against cryptanalysis and protocol attacks
can work reasonably well without a global key management or certificate infrastructure
can utilize existing certificate infrastructures (e.g., DNSSEC, X.509) when available
can be easy to deploy and take into use
requires minimum or no manual interaction from users
is reasonably clean and simple to implement
will operate over TCP/IP or other reliable but insecure transport
Features of SSH include (SSH Communications Security, 2002):
protects all passwords and data
full replacement for TELNET, RLOGIN, RSH, RCP, and FTP
fully integrated secure file transfer and file copying
graphical user interface on Windows
automatic authentication of users
multiple strong authentication methods to prevent spoofing of user identity
authentication of both ends of a connection
agents enabling strong authentication to multiple systems with single sign-on
transparent and automatic secure tunneling of X11 sessions
secure tunneling of arbitrary TCP/IP-based applications
encryption and compression of data for security and speed
multiple built-in methods for password, public key, and host-based authentication
multiple ciphers for encryption, 3DES, Blowfish, and the AES candidate TWOFISH
The SSH protocol is available in two incompatible varieties: SSH1 and SSH2 (OpenSSH, 2002). The new SSH2 protocol provides several improvements over SSH1 (Ylönen, 1996):
much better understood and more secure protocol
new design, which requires much less code to be run with root privileges
totally rewritten code that improves security
new routines for cryptography and mathematics, resulting in considerable improvements in speed
easy to use file transfers using the integrated file transfer agent in SSH for Windows, and the SCP (Secure file copy) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) applications on UNIX
support for multiple public key algorithms, including DSA and Diffie-Hellman key exchange
A free version of the SSH protocol suite of network connectivity tools called OpenSSH can be found in OpenSSH (2002). OpenSSH has been primarily developed by the OpenBSD Project (see OpenBSD, 2002). The goal for the OpenSSH project is simple: all operating systems should ship with support for the SSH protocol included. The current OpenSSH release is OpenSSH 3.4, released in June 2002. It contains support for both SSH1 and SSH2 protocols. The Linux clients in the newest releases of OpenSSH support smartcard login.
The current commercial release from SSH Communications Security of SSH is release 3.2. It is based on the SSH2 protocol with enhanced performance and smartcard support, as well as with major new server features. It includes a Windows client that supports smartcard login (SSH Communications Security, 2002).
Secure Network Management
Network management and monitoring software for TCP/IP networks is usually based on the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), an application level protocol. The first versions of SNMP have practically no security features. SNMP managers could neither securely authenticate themselves to managed SNMP agents nor protect the message transfer between themselves and the managed SNMP agents. The access control of managed SNMP agents was also insecure. In Version 3, secure authentication and encryption features were incorporated in the specifications for SNMP managers and secure access control features were incorporated in the specifications for SNMP agents (see IETF SNMP Version 3 Working Group, 1998). A detailed description of the security features in SNMPv3 is published in Stallings (2000, Chap. 8)
The Domain Name System (DNS) is vital to the Internet, providing a distributed mechanism for resolving host names into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and IP addresses back into host names. The DNS also supports other Internet directory-like lookup capabilities to retrieve information belonging to DNS Name Servers. Unfortunately there are many security problems surrounding IP and the protocols carried by it. The DNS is not immune to these security problems.
The accuracy of the information contained within the DNS is vital in many aspects of IP-based communications. DNS is missing services that provide data integrity and authentication for data within the DNS. This also causes security threats to other protocols that rely on DNS data for access control.
DNS Name Servers are subjected to many types of attacks (Liu, 1998):
Name servers are relatively easily spoofed. Security measures, like access lists, and mechanisms, like credibility, can make spoofing more difficult, but not impossible.
A better, more secure version of the DNS protocol is therefore needed. To address this problem IETF formed DNSSEC Working Group to develop the DNSSEC standard. The development work has been overtaken by IETF DNS Extensions Working Group, which addresses these security issues in cooperation with IETF DNS Operations Working Group, (see IETF Working Group DNS Extensions (dnsext), 2002; IETF DNS Operations Working Group (dnsop), 2002). The objective is a standard for secure DNS that provides both authentication and integrity to the information contained within the DNS. DNS SEC can accomplish both of these goals through cryptography. DNSSEC primarily relies on public key technology to create cryptographic digital signatures on information contained within the DNS ( Davidowicz & Vixie, 2000).
As defined in Davidowicz (1999), the security extensions to the DNS can be summarized into three services:
Key Distribution
Allows for the retrieval of the public key of a DNS name, to verify the authenticity of the DNS zone data, and provides a mechanism through which any key associated with a DNS name can be used for purposes other than DNS.
Data Origin Authentication
Relieves such threats as cache poisoning and zone data compromise on a DNS server.
DNS Transaction and Request Authentication
Provides the ability to authenticate DNS requests and DNS message headers, guaranteeing that the answer is in response to the original query and that the response came from the server for which the query was intended.
To support the new security capabilities of DNSSEC several new types of DNS Resource Records (RRs) were created. These records allow mapping of uniquely identified host names into IP addresses, i.e., identify an IP address for a given DNS name (a record).
The most important new types of RRs are (Davidowicz, 1999):
KEY RR: Used for verification of a DNS RRSet's signature.
SIG RR: Used for storing the RRSet.
NXT RR: Used to cryptographically assert the nonexistence of an RRSet.
CERT RR: Used to provide public key certificate within the DNS to other applications outside the DNS.
DNSSEC is still a work in progress. However, any organization that relies on the Internet should consider DNSSEC a critical component of its security infrastructure because the DNS protocol is still vulnerable to malicious misuse. Only DNSSEC, through its strong cryptographic techniques, will provide authentication and integrity to all aspects of DNS in one package (Davidowicz & Vixie, 2000).
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain) was originally written at University of California at Berkeley as a graduate student project. BIND is an implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS) protocols and provides an openly redistributable reference implementation of the major components of the Domain Name System (Internet Software Consortium, 2002). The BIND DNS Server is used on most name serving machines on the Internet. Cryptographic authentication of DNS information is possible through the DNS Security (DNSSEC) extensions, defined in RFC 2535 (Nominum, 2001). (For more information concerning BIND compatibility with DNSSEC, see Internet Software Consortium (2002).
The tool package Net::DNS::SEC has DNSSEC functionality (see RIPE NCC, 2001). The DNSSEC functionality is written in PEARL and it works as an extension to the Net::DNS package (Fuhr, 2002).
Smartcard Applications
The computationally secure randomness applied to key creation in public key cryptography may cause security problems, if encryption and decryption operations use the main memory of network-connected computers. Intruders may identify keys as random areas in the main memory, since code and data are usually structured. An identified area of 1024 bits may be a private RSA key being used in an encryption or decryption operation. This is a possible security problem. That is why a private key should be stored on a smartcard together with the code of the cryptographic operations using it. Then all cryptographic operations using the key can be executed on board the smartcard and the key, after installation, will never leave the smartcard. Once installed, a private key should never leave a smartcard. The use of keys on a smartcard is protected by pin codes or biometrically by digital fingerprint comparison and/or by digital voice recognition. A numerical keypad dedicated to the smartcard is necessary for pin code security.
The characteristics of present smartcards are defined by several ISO 7816 standards (see Portal of International Organization for Standardization ISO, 2002). Smartcards exchange byte sequences — called APDU's in ISO 7816 — with smartcard readers. The file structure of many current smartcard operating systems is based on the pkcs#15 standard (RSA Security, 2002).
Smartcard applications call functions of some Application Programming Interface, when information and operations coded on smartcards are needed. Examples of such API's are implementations of the pkcs#11 standard (RSA Security, 2002) and Microsoft CryptoAPI (MSDN, 2002). Moreover, API's for smartcard applications need interface software to smartcard reader drivers. Usually such interface software is an implementation of the PC/SC Specifications, see (PC/SC Workgroup, 2002).
An example of a smartcard-based digital personal identity is the Finnish Electronic Identity Card (FINEID card) introduced in December 1999 and managed by the Finnish Population Register Centre. The implementation details of FINEID are published in Finnish Population register Centre (2002).